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Link: Witchcraft Spells [Detail] premium!
Date : May-24-2018 -
: n/a
Quality spell casting service uses real witchcraft to enhance the lives of others. Wicca magic spells come in many forms and can help with love, money, protection, luck, business, careers, luck and more. Spells that work are hard to come by but we have mastered them.
http://www.witchcraftmagicspells.orgDate : May-24-2018 -

Link: Change Your Life For The Better Today [Detail] premium!
Date : Jan-08-2015 -
: n/a
We all struggle at times with money, relationships, and lack of abundance in our lives. But did you know that there is a secret to getting these things? Check it out here.
http://whatisthesecretlawofattraction.com/Date : Jan-08-2015 -

Link: Quran in English - Clear and Easy to Read [Detail] premium!
Date : Sep-06-2014 -
: n/a
Quran translated to Today's English, with Audio - Highly accurate and closely follows the Arabic original. Read, Listen, Download.
http://www.clearquran.comDate : Sep-06-2014 -

Link: Psychics [Detail] premium!
Date : Feb-08-2011 -
: n/a
One of America's most exclusive communities of psychics, offering meaningful insights, practical advice and personalized support by phone. We don't tell fortunes or predict your future - We provide a deeper understanding of events and activities happening in your life.
http://www.psychicsource.comDate : Feb-08-2011 -

Link: Jesus Loves You Pass IT On [Detail] premium!
Date : Aug-16-2010 -
: n/a
Even as children, the Sunday School song, "Jesus Loves Me" made us feel good and always put a smile on our face. Now we can smile and band together in our belief that Jesus Loves Us! In today's world we all need to remember the words to that song, so simple, but so true. You can help show your belief and share the message by wearing your
http://jlypiocsg.bizDate : Aug-16-2010 -

Link: Gay Christian Europe [Detail] premium!
Date : Mar-23-2010 -
: n/a
Ministry & Online Community for Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) Christians in Europe, with Gay Friendly Churches, Testimonies, Books on reconciling Homosexuality and Christianity in many European languages, GLBT Support Groups, Helplines & Resources in various European languages and countries. With Message Boards.
http://www.gaychristian-europe.comDate : Mar-23-2010 -

Link: muslimtoysanddolls.com helps children to internalize Islam [Detail] premium!
Date : Oct-17-2009 -
: n/a
muslimtoysanddolls.com is an Islamic and learning Arabic childrens website that also has family items.it has Islamic and learning Arabic books,CD's,games,puzzles,dolls,Doll clothes,Electronics,Jewelry,kufi's,hijabs,Frames,Eid Cards,Decorations,clocks,mouse pads,Door bells! and over 800 different Islamic products.Free shipping over $100.Free gifts 2
http://www.muslimtoysanddolls.comDate : Oct-17-2009 -

Link: Demons Are Angels [Detail] premium!
Date : Sep-28-2009 -
: n/a
Angels and demons, are you a believer or a skeptic? This is a study of angelology and demonology including their hierarchy. Who was created first angels, demons or mortals? Which angel committed the first sin? What was the first sin? How many angels are there? Are there common angels in Islam, Christianity and Judaism? Was the Archangel Gabriel
http://www.demons-are-angels-to.comDate : Sep-28-2009 -

Link: Mysterious Illuminations [Detail] premium!
Date : Jun-08-2009 -
: n/a
Products for the mind, body and spirit. Proudly serving the public and New Age community.
http://www.mysteriousilluminations.comDate : Jun-08-2009 -

Link: Alma's Life [Detail] premium!
Date : Apr-04-2009 -
: n/a
Personal site to reach out to Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Christians all over the World, to provide support, help reconcile Faith and orientation, to find welcoming churches in Europe, & help find local groups to meet other GLBT Christians. Also gives details of Gay Christian conference and GLBT Youth Stories DVD "Through my Eyes".
http://www.almaslife.co.ukDate : Apr-04-2009 -

Link: Anette Halfon's Feng Shui Express Site [Detail] premium!
Date : Dec-13-2008 -
: n/a
This ancient Chinese Wisdom can help you to improve your entire life, your health, your romance and family life, your income and your business.
http://www.fengshuim.comDate : Dec-13-2008 -

Link: Christian Inspirational Gifts and Home Decor [Detail] premium!
Date : Oct-06-2008 -
: n/a
One stop shopping for Inspirational Gifts, Christian Gifts, Religious Gifts, and Christian Home Decor Items. Browse our selection of Rosaries, Crosses and Crucifixes, Gifts for Family and Friends, Christian Jewelry, Devotional Items. Statues, Collectibles, Seasonal Items including Lent, Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas! $15.00 Flat Shipping.
http://www.InspirationalGiftsonLine.comDate : Oct-06-2008 -

Link: Coptic Institute for the authentic Coptic pronunciation [Detail]
: n/a
The site confirm the authenticity of the old Coptic pronunciation. Also it teaches the Coptic authentic accent .
Date : Jan-23-2014 - 

Link: Psychic Access [Detail]
: n/a
The most accurate and gifted psychic advisors currently available online. Psychic Access provides its international client base with the highest level of service. All advisors are screened, verified, interviewed and tested for accuracy. New clients get a free 6-minute reading.
Date : May-16-2011 - 

Link: What Is My Sign [Detail]
: n/a
This website was specially created for those who want to know precisely what is my sign. Use our search tools to determine what is my sign.
Date : Mar-15-2011 - 

Link: Star Essence [Detail]
: n/a
Flower Essences and Gemstone Essences created by Star Essence- including the Andean Orchids of Machu Picchu, Flower Collections from Peru and Santa Barbara, California, the new Gemstone Essences and more!
Date : Feb-19-2011 - 

Link: free vedic astrology predictions [Detail]
: n/a
AstroSutra is promoting free horoscope analysis, Free Janam Kundali and Free Predictions. AstroSutra is providing free lessons in astrology to users and learners of astrology, as a first effort we are adding all slokas from Uttara Kalamrita related to Natal Predictive Astrolotgy.
Date : Feb-07-2011 - 

Link: Future Predictions [Detail]
: n/a
Indian Astrology is the best astrology services in India which is known to have 90% accurate predictions. Our astrologers predict future accurately and provide Solutions for upcoming problems due to Planetary Movements and other Astrological causes.
Date : Nov-08-2010 - 

Link: Islam? Tell me more about it. [Detail]
: n/a
This blog is about introducing Islam to Non-Muslims and providing a great educational resource for Muslims. I present the views of Islam on issues such as personal and social life, social vices, government, judiciary, economics, science, military and other aspects of human life. I’m sure that this blog will make people fall in love with true Islam.
Date : Nov-08-2010 - 

Link: David Humphreys UK and DS Healers [Detail]
: n/a
David Humphreys and DS Healers working with energy healing tools. Husband and wife team of spiritual specialists utilising zero point fusion healing tools. Healing and spiritual empowerment.
Date : Aug-27-2010 - 

Link: Investigating Real Islam [Detail]
: n/a
Discover the reality of Islam to find that it is the living Truth & natural religious essence for all humanity
Date : Jul-18-2010 - 

Link: Mystic Shadow Insights [Detail]
: n/a
The sell of herbs, Incense, Aromatherapy oils and mystical goods. We do psychic readings
Date : May-20-2010 - 

Link: Life Changing Truths [Detail]
: n/a
Discover answers to life's questions. Find inspiration, motivation and encouragement to step out and fulfill your destiny. Sign up for the Be Inspired! Newsletter.
Date : Feb-15-2010 - 

Link: The Beginner Christian Site [Detail]
: n/a
A christian site for those that want to learn more about Christianity, and also for those that are already saved but want more information about their faith.
Date : Jun-28-2009 - 

Link: PAK Publishing [Detail]
: n/a
A producer and publisher of books and e-books on religion, spirituality, and Christian denominations.
Date : May-17-2009 - 

Link: Astrological Reading Astrology Prediction Horoscope Love Com [Detail]
: n/a
Accurate, helpful and personal astrology reading based on your own unique birth details. Clear, jargon-free English reports. Reveal information about you, your love life, your future and more.
Date : May-16-2009 - 

Link: Brent Clay Author of Faith Without Nonsense [Detail]
: n/a
Official site of Brent Clay, the author of "Faith Without Nonsense: For Those Who Believe, and Those Who Wish They Could." This in-depth study, guides readers on an eye-opening journey into matters of faith, offering compelling new insights to help readers strengthen their faith, and better understand the purposes of God for their lives.
Date : Apr-21-2009 - 

Link: Claire Molinard [Detail]
: n/a
A web site dedicated to women who want to create balance in their life and reach their highest potential.A holistic approach to life coaching, with an integral model. Claire is a life coach with 20 years of experience in holistic health and meditation modalities, and she encourages her clients to honor the connection between mind, body and spirit
Date : Feb-23-2009 - 

Link: Amy Garwich Singing the Love of the Lord [Detail]
: n/a
Amy Garwich of Lumpkin, Ga will fill your heart with the Lord's love as she shares her testimony through words and song. You will be blessed.
Date : Oct-22-2008 - 

Link: Best Christian Music & Videos all free [Detail]
: n/a
We offer the best Christian music videos, singers and sermons on planet Earth. All videos are 100% Free with no uploading required.
Date : Sep-12-2008 - 
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